Volunteerism & Civic Engagement

Painting with mirror reflection


  • Strengthen Community
    By being involved in programming and through using resources provided by this office, students at S&T will develop a stronger understanding of community, and how their actions impact their community on a personal, local, national and international level.
  • Build Bridges
    Through engaging with this office students will work with people, organizations, and communities that will challenge preconceived notions which will foster a greater a sense of understanding between different groups.
  • Empower Individuals
    Students who participate in activities and actively seek out relationships with community partners will learn skills that empower them to be effective change makers in communities after S&T.
  • Create Solutions
    Those who involve themselves with the Office of Volunteerism and Involvement will be prepared to identify and creatively solve problems that affect the greater community.


Community Partners

To effect positive change in the greater community and to teach students how to make impactful choices in their future it is important that connections are built in the Rolla community. Our community partners are a valuable asset to S&T, as they provide our students with the majority of the service opportunities that are participated in each year. Follow the Community Partners link here to learn more about those organizations that support service in the Rolla community.