Rental Property Listings

Rental Property Listings

Miner Link Main Body

Disclaimer: This rental listing is provided as a service to the students and prospective students of the Missouri University of Science and Technology. The Department of Student Involvement does not endorse or recommend any particular property or landlord. All properties are removed from this list 60 days after posting. Please reach out to to remove your listing before the 60 days. This list is updated every Monday. 


We've Moved to MinerLink!

Rental listings have been moved to our new student-only platform: MinerLink. This list is only available to students, so please double check your advertisement submission for accuracy before submitting. Any inquiries or requests about listings can be made to or by calling 573-341-4079. 

Students can access rental listings here


Other Resources 

For on-campus housing, visit Residential Life or call 573-341-4218.